Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy 10 Months!

Lexie already has six teeth! She has tested them out on Daddy's arm and all of her stuffed animals. She continues to eat EVERYTHING we give her including pickles, jalapeno bagels, scrambled eggs with Sadie's salsa, pickled beets, chickpeas, and black olives...just to name a few of the surprising things. It seems like the more flavorful the food, the more she likes it. She also eats Crunchies (Cheetos for babies) like her life depends on it. Sometimes she just sits and points to the cabinet until we give her some. She absolutely loves dogs, especially Daz and Sierra and crawls up to them with her mouth open, trying to get them to kiss her. Daz usually just walks away while Sierra will give her a sniff, which makes Lexie laugh. Other favorites of Lexie's include reading Goodnight Moon, kissing every stuffed animal she has, drinking water (she finally learned how to use her sippy cup), and jumping in her bouncer. We are so lucky to have such a sweet girl!

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