Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bath time!

So, Jeff and I decided to wash the cars today and ended up lining the dogs up to get washed, too. Here is the progression of events:

Sierra is pretty hilarious because she will just stand, lined up with the cars, and let you spray her in the face.

Daz, on the other hand, does not enjoy the process quite as much.

Sierra looks on, sympathetically. She is always worried about what Daz is doing.

Clean and happy!

Sierra then got a manicure... poolside.

Yes, we are dog obsessed but they are really entertaining and we love them so much!


Wing and Alli said...

i love your dogs! i wish i could give them lots of hugs and squeezes! i'm dog obsessed too . . . but we don't have any cute little doggies right now :( more reason to keep checking out your blog.

p.s. love the music!

The Scott Family said...

Does Jeff have his shorts on backwards??