Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My dad has become quite the birdwatcher over the years and I am reminded of his passion for it every time I am home. He has many different kinds of feeders in the backyard to attract different kinds of birds. He makes sure the feeders stay full of the right kind of food and that they are put in the proper places for easy access. He also has a 'Birds of New Mexico' book in which he can identify all birds that enter and exit the yard. He has even spotted a few impostor birds that must be from other states! I always think it is interesting to get a glimpse into someone else's world and learn about their passions. Learning about my dad's makes it extra special. Keep up the good work, Dad. The birds love you for it and so do I!


Sierra practiced her birdwatching skills by staring endlessly at Juanita's cockatiel. Good thing the bird never jumped off the counter!

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