Wednesday, June 25, 2008

La Luz... Here we come!

During my stay in Albuquerque, my dad invited me the hike to La Luz Trail with him. The trail is 7 miles long and stretches from the bottom to the top of the Sandia Mountains. Even though this is a very popular trail for New Mexico residents and visitors, I had never hiked it before. It is also a popular training ground for experienced runners looking for the ultimate challenge. My dad used to be one of them, back in his marathon days! Thanks for taking me, Dad!

We started hiking at about 6:45 AM to avoid the heat.

Just starting out.

Around mile 2, looking up.

We saw the most amazing shadow left from the flight path of an airplane. Look how the shadow appears to continue up into the sky.

A little break in the shade.

Crossing the rock slide.

Almost there... The tram station at the top was our destination.

The view from the top! Here comes our ride down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey katie.. i could tell you had a lot of fun hiking by looking at the first picture!! im glad you are having a great summer! Martha