Sunday, July 27, 2008

San Antonio

We recently spent four days in San Antonio with our good friends, Doug and Trisha. Like most trips we take, we managed to leave the camera in my purse the whole time, but did take this pic on great day we had, visiting the town of Wimberly. On the way back we stopped at this place. When Trisha asked what the name of it was the bartender responded, "Was Riley's". Trisha: "What's the name of it now?" Bartender: "Was Riley's." Hilarious! We had a great time on the whole trip but one of the highlights was sitting on the patio at Was Riley's, while the rain came down, chatting about Doug and Trisha's wedding plans. They got engaged last month! We can't wait for their wedding in March and look forward to many years of visits to San Antonio.

1 comment:

trish&doug said...

we had soo much fun with the two of you!! i sent you some texts a few weeks ago, but i think your phone was out of commission. lol. i miss you!