Sunday, January 13, 2008

Race Day!

The 'Rock and Roll' 1/2 marathon finally came! It is quite the event, with around 30,000 participants, a live band every mile of the race and thousands of fans, and local cheerleading squads, who come out to support the runners. Our friends Kate (from L.A.) and Paul (from Abq.) came out to run also. For Kate and I, this race has become an annual tradition to which we always look forward. We stay together the whole race and push each other to the end. We were also lucky enough to have our Arizona friends Kristie, Jason, Kristen and Tara participate this year! Here we all are post-race. We all ran the half marathon except for Paul who finished the full in just over 4 hours. Jeff set a personal record of 2hr 22min. Kate and I finished in 1hr 44min. And the other girls finished under 3 hours, even though Kristen thought they weren't going to make the 4 hour time limit. Good job to everyone!

1 comment:

Wing and Alli said...

I'm very very impressed!!! You ran that really fast! And way to go Jeff too!